Paul, can we assume that you do not believe in the 'younger earth' teachings of many evangelicals? They teach that God created everything about 6000BC (based on ages of the Patriarhs) and also that the flood happened around 2300BC. They also believe that dinosaurs used to be 'gentle' plant eating creatures. I would like to know how all those different animals that only existed in other parts of the world, walked and/or swam great distances so they could embark on the ark? And what happened to all the fish when salt water mixed with fresh water?
Younger Earth?
In November 2016, something strange happened to me. The result of that experience was that I interacted with the spirit of Noah. As an engineer, I asked questions pertaining to the construction of the Ark, like how you transported trees hundreds of feet long, how you cut the massive lumber, and how you formed the wood into usable shapes. The answer was: we didn’t, we had help. How did you accommodate all of those different animals? The answer: other men and women around the earth saved animals from their geographic locations. I believe that there were 144 individual life preserving families.
It has taken me years to talk about my visions and interactions with souls of the departed. I hope that Paul will contribute to this discussion.