Paul Wallis Q&A: Wes Huff, The Elohim Controversy & Hidden Biblical Truths
Paul Wallis
1h 29m
Paul Wallis Q&A: Wes Huff, The Elohim Controversy & Hidden Biblical Truths 17/02/25
Join Paul Wallis for a fascinating and deeply thought-provoking Q&A, where he tackles questions from YouTube subscribers, website visitors, and Patreon members. This session is packed with eye-opening insights, including Paul addressing the Wes Huff and Billy Carson debate, a discussion that goes right to the heart of one of the most controversial topics in biblical history: the plural nature of the Elohim.
For centuries, the term Elohim has been translated as "God," but as Paul explains, that’s not the full story. Elohim is actually a plural noun, and that simple detail changes everything. Was the Bible originally describing a singular all-powerful being, or was it talking about a group of advanced beings—ones who may have shaped humanity in ways we've barely begun to understand? Paul dives into the linguistic twists, the historical edits, and the theological shifts that have obscured this part of the story, raising questions about how much of what we think we know has been rewritten over time.
This conversation also explores the bigger picture. If the Elohim were a group, could they be connected to the Anunnaki of Sumerian legend, the powerful beings described in Mesopotamian texts? Did the biblical scribes edit out references to multiple rulers in order to fit a monotheistic framework? And if so, what does that mean for our understanding of Yahweh? Was he one of many, rather than the sole divine force?
Paul brings in insights from his books Escaping from Eden and The Scars of Eden, breaking down how these ancient narratives might hold clues to humanity’s forgotten history—one that stretches far beyond what mainstream teachings have acknowledged. This is a conversation about lost knowledge, ancient interventions, and the forces that may still be shaping our world today.
Whether you’re deep into biblical studies, interested in ancient history, or just love exploring the big questions about where we come from, this Q&A is packed with ideas that will challenge, intrigue, and inspire. Don’t miss this one!
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