Prophecy of Hermes | The Anunnaki & Forced Forgetting of the "Sky Beings" - The character Hermes laments the forgetting of a culture, a civilization and all the advanced knowledge and human development that it held.
In the book of Joshua, we’re told that Joshua, the successor to Moses calls upon the Hebrew people to never again serve the powerful ones of Abraham and Sarah’s ancestral culture – the culture of the Sumerians. “Do not serve the powerful ones of your Sumerian heritage or the powerful ones of Egypt!”
The forgetting of those other entities is commanded. The memory of higher beings – what the Sumerians indicated as sky people – must be forgotten. Similarly the Egyptian memory of higher beings must be forgotten. That’s why Theodosius, seeing himself as a Christian Emperor, in the vein of a Moses or a Joshua, illegalized these memories and banned the narratives that kept them alive.
When Plato referred to the knowledge of higher beings – including these others who live on islands in the sky with their advanced knowledge of the cosmos – it is interesting that he appeals on the one hand to information gathered through altered states of consciousness and on the other to the lost canon of ancient Egyptian memory. By citing that knowledge it is clear that the story of a more populous universe is one that Plato was eager to re-affirm. He did not want that knowledge to remain buried and forgotten...
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